Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Unfortunately the MELD score never returned to the mid twenties after the hospital stay for the bile duct infection. With a MELD of 17/18 the chances of transplant at this time are slim and none. So, no sense sitting around here wasting time and money if nothing is going to happen soon. Will the MELD go back up? When will this happen? The first question is easy. Yes, the MELD will go back up. I am no better health wise than when we arrived here in April. I do feel fine but the bile ducts of the liver are continuing to deteriorate. With the transplant system in place now though, all that matters is where that MELD score is today. When this will happen is the unknown. Two weeks, two months, one year? Only time will tell. When the time comes, we will return to Florida and give it another shot.

We are very exited to be going home. Being able to see everyone, the kids' fall sports seasons, the upcoming holidays, and getting back to work (I can't believe I am looking forward to that, but I am) will be great. Going home with mission accomplished would have been ideal but that will come soon enough. Some great news from this morning to add. A couple from Bakersfield with whom we have become friends while here came downstairs to the breakfast room of the hotel to tell us that they just received their call for transplant and were on their way to the hospital to begin getting ready for surgery. He was very sick and really needed his new liver soon. Please keep them in your prayers.

Hope to see everyone while I am home. Julie will pick my mom and me up Thursday afternoon at Ontario Airport. If you are in the neighborhood please stop to hello so that I can personally thank you for all of your prayers and support while I was gone.

See you soon at the soocer fields and around town,
